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Open-minded and curious, Innovators thrive on finding innovative solutions to challenges. They tend to look at the bigger picture to shape their way forward, and are admired for their imagination and ability to shape new ways of thinking.
Visionaries have an innate ability to connect with and inspire others. They have strong ideas, and are called to make a positive impact on the world. Visionaries are natural leaders, admired by those around them.
Reliable and practical, Problem-solvers stay grounded and logical even in the most stressful situations. They are organised and have a strong eye for detail, and whilst they prefer to stay behind the scenes, their power should not be underestimated.
Hardworking and devoted, Guardians feel a deep sense of responsibility for doing the right thing and serving others. They rarely demand recognition for what they do, and are driven by a deep sensitivity and empathy for the needs of others.
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